Popular Destinations
- Maha Myat Muni Pagoda
- Mandalay Hill
- Mandalay Palace
- Sandamani Pagoda
- Shwe Kyi Myin Pagoda
- Kuthodaw Pagoda
- Eindawya Pagoda
Recommended Mandalay Hotels
Sedona Hotel
No.1, Junction Of 26Th &
66 Th Street, Chan Aye Tharzan Township, Mandalay.
Phone: +(95)(02) 36488
Novotel Hotel
9,10th Street, At the foot of Mandalay Hill,Mandalay.
Phone: +(95)(02) 35638
Fax: +(95)(02) 35639
Mandalay City Hotel
26th Street, between 82th & 83th Street, Chanayetharzan Township, Mandalay.
Tel: (+95)(02) 36146